Our services in the area of trademark law and intellectual property in France

Berton & Associés advises German, French and international clients who wish to protect their trademarks and other IP rights in France and defend their rights before French courts.

Legal services in intellectual property in France

We offer the following services, among others:

  • we check if a trademark application or any other intellectual property rights of our clients in France does not infringe prior IP rights of third persons
  • we file trademark and design applications in France and for the European Union
  • we optimize the protection of copyrights
  • we help clients develop a strategy in order to gain the best possible protection of their IP rights in France
  • we draft different kinds of IP contracts under French law, such as license contracts, IP assignment agreements or technology transfer agreements
  • we give advice regarding the fees for service inventions of employees and incentive systems
  • we draft IT contracts
  • we manage trademark portfolios
  • we cooperate with French and German Patent Attorneys in patent infringement proceedings before French Courts
  • we analyze the protection of our clients’ IP rights within the framework of the incorporation of a new company or the implementation of marketing actions in France
  • we provide our clients with legal advice in all matters regarding the protection of IP rights in France
trademark property law

Legal representation of our clients and defense of IP rights before French Courts

We represent our international clients, including German ones, who want to enforce the protection of their IP rights or copyrights before French Courts or have to defend themselves in infringement proceedings. We represent our clients in opposition or cancellation proceedings, too.

We also file opposition lawsuits against trademark applications of third parties that infringe the IP rights of our clients.

We represent our clients before all French Courts. We also defend the rights of our clients in litigations regarding unfair competition (including summary proceedings).

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