With our solid expertise in French corporate law and M&A, we accompany German and international clients in France

Whether you intend to incorporate a business in France, restructure your French subsidiary or end a conflict with a shareholder or an executive officer, we are happy to assist you!

Our legal services for establishing a business in France

Our French-German law firm specializes in legal advice for German and international clients doing business in France.

We regularly assist our clients with the establishing and incorporation of businesses in France. With German clients, we even offer a comparative law approach in French and German law in order to best explain the differences of the two legal systems and the consequences resulting thereof.

We offer the following legal services in particular:

  • Advising for the choice of the right legal framework in France: branch or legally independent subsidiary, choice of the legal form of the company (e.g.: SARL) and tax consequences
  • Defense of the interests of the foreign shareholders in the course of the set-up of a French corporation
  • Drafting of by-laws for French corporations and, if required, adaptation of German by-laws (or by-laws from other countries) to French law as well as the incorporation of the company in France
  • Assistance in complying with legal requirements if the business is regulated in France
  • Legal adaptation of internal compliance rules of the company to French corporate law, notably to the by-laws and legal documents of the French subsidiary
  • Negotiation and drafting of appointment agreements for executive officers such as CEOs and directors
  • Drafting of all legal documents in the course of the appointment of the corporate officers of the French company and consultation regarding the possibilities and limits of the power of representation in a French company
  • Legal assistance with the power of representation for French companies
  • Consultation of German or international executive officers regarding the liability linked to their position in France, especially industrial risks or insolvency relevant events as well as proposals for limiting the liability
corporate law

Day-to-day legal aid of French companies for their German or international shareholders or directors

  • Drafting of the minutes of boards’ and shareholders’ ordinary (e.g. appointment and resignation and dismissal of executive officers, approval of financial accounts) and extraordinary meetings (e.g. change of address of the main offices, increase of capital, change of corporate form)
  • Legal advice for shareholders and executive officers concerning the relations between the French subsidiary and the German or international holding company
  • Consultation regarding social security insurance and tax matters regarding French or foreign executive officers in France and suggestions for improvement
  • Domestic and cross-border restructuring of corporations: change of corporate form, cross-border mergers and split ups
  • Proposals regarding equity operations in the corporation

Assistance in case of conflicts in the French corporation

If you are a shareholder or a corporate officer in a French corporation and need to settle a conflict with one of your partners, we help you to find a settlement agreement or, if necessary, represent you in court.

Depending on the situation, we can represent you in French or in German Courts.

We can also represent you in a Court of Arbitration.

Contact Us
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