Buying and owing horses: knowledge on French equine law
Gain essential knowledge of French horses law with our in-depth guide, focusing on the three key certificates required to own a horse in France. Whether you’re a local or a foreign buyer, this article provides the insights you need to navigate the legal landscape and make horse ownership a smooth process.

The French Lawyer (avocat)
How many lawyers in France? More than 70,000 French lawyers (“Avocats”) are registered in France. French lawyers are admitted to one of the local bar associations (“Ordre des avocats”). 179 bar associations are registered in France. The different bar associations vary widely according to their size: the bar association of Paris is by far the largest in France: with approximately…

Tax consultants in France: Presentation
How does one become a tax consultant (“expert-comptable”) in France? Training for tax consultants in France is divided into three steps: After three-year university training in accounting and business management, the prospective tax consultants have to successfully graduate in accounting and management [“Diplôme de Comptabilité et de Gestion (DGC)”]. The “DGC” is followed by another two-year study in order to…

The French notary
How do you become a notary in France? There are two different ways of acquiring the professional title as a notary in France. The basic requirement for both is to obtain a Master’s degree in law (called a “Master 1”). Students must then pursue their legal training either in a local school for notaries (“Centre de formation professionnelle notariale”) or…

The French court system – an overview
French courts: division between courts in public matters and in private matters In France, the structure of the judiciary system is divided into ordinary courts for handling civil and criminal litigation on the one hand, and administrative courts on the other hand. Each Court has its own special provisions for competence, how to file a lawsuit and representation by an…